Consigner Contract

Consigner Contract - Revised September 15, 2024.


Drop off date: ________________________________

Consigner Name:_____________________________

Telephone: __________________________________



Thank you for consigning with Room 152!  Please review our consignment terms and policies.     


  • We accept only authentic, freshly laundered pieces that are in excellent condition. All pieces that do not meet this criteria will be refused during intake (note: any item found to be damaged or flawed after processing will not be sold, and must be picked up within 14 days or they will become the property of Room 152 and are subject to clearance sales and/or donation).


  • Accounts are processed in order of arrival and may take up to two weeks depending on volume. Consigners will receive a confirmation email once their items have been logged, which includes their consigner number, check-in date and itemized inventory list.


  • Items will be sold for a value determined by Room 152. We agree to not discount items by more than 25% of the selling price during store sales events. Sale percentages are split evenly between the store and consigner.


  • The consignment period is two months.  At that time, the consigner receives the below percentages of items that have sold:


  1. 40% of the sale price of items under $150
  2. 50% of the sale price of items valued from $150 - $499
  3. 60% of the sale price of items valued from $500 - $999
  4. 70% of the sale price of items valued from $1000 + up


  • Luxury bags that do not have their original receipt and/or authentication material will be subject to a $20 authentication charge at the consigners expense. Consigners will receive a copy of authentication at the end of the consignment period should the item not sell.


  • Payouts and returns are issued at the end of the consignment period only. Early payout requests will be subject to a $5 service fee.


  • There are three payout types to choose from: E-transfer, Cash or Consigner Credit. If an e-transfer is requested, there will be a $1.50 processing fee.  Consigners who choose Consigner Credit will receive a 10% discount off of regular priced items on in-store purchases.


  • Payouts and returns are issued every Wednesday (no exceptions). We ask that consigners check in with us using our automatic web check-in, which places the consigner's name and information on our next payout/return list. A link to web check-in will be provided in the confirmation email. Consigners must check by 5:00 p.m. on the provided settlement date. Should consigners check in later then this time, their name will be placed on the payout/return list for the following week. 


  • Unsold items must be picked up within 14 days of the consignment end date. ***Unclaimed items will become property of Room 152 and are subject to clearance sales and/or donation.***


  • Cash payouts must be picked up within 1 month of issue or it will revert to Store Credit.


  • We take excellent care of all consigned pieces, however; we are not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items.



I have read, understand and consent to be bound by the terms of these conditions. I acknowledge that Room 152 Clothing Boutique reserves the right to modify these conditions at anytime, and will notify their consigners of any modifications through email and website posts.

Signature: _________________________________________

Date: _____________________________

Printable version is here.

Thank you for consigning with Room 152!