Order Placed
Your Order has been placed by paypal.
Kindly contact your shop merchant.
Want to consign with us? Here are a few pointers:
⤍Please check the brands we carry.
⤍Less than 20 items per drop off.
⤍Keep it seasonal!
⤍No hangers, please.
⤍We accept consignment items on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during regular business hours. No appointment necessary.
⤍It can take up to two weeks for us to process and log your items.
⤍If we pass on something during processing, we ask that you pick it up within 14 days or consider donating to our annual charity yard sale.
⤍If we pass on an item, it is a business decision not personal! We know what is selling and how to price it.
⤍Once your items are logged, you will receive an email with an itemized inventory list, your check-in date and if any items were passed on. Please check your junk mail!
⤍The consignment period is approximately 2 months and at the end of the consignment period, unsold items are removed from the floor.
⤍We ask that you check in at any time during your consignment period using our online check-in form. This informs us on how you would like to receive payment and if you will be donating or picking up any unsold items.
⤍Once you’ve checked in, please keep in mind, any items not picked up within 14 days of the end of the consignment period will be donated to our annual charity yard sale.
Thank you for consigning with Room 152!